9. 阿里吉耶罗·波提 高清作品[85%]

DO-Alighiero <em>Boetti</em>  - 现代艺术 I
图片文件像素:5357 x 5537 px


Alighiero Boetti * - Zeitgenössische Kunst I-

(Turin 1940–1994 Rome)
Naturale Artificiale, 1982, 2 parts, ballpen on paper laid on canvas / biro su carta intelata, each 100 x 70 cm, on stretcher (2)

The work is registered in the Archivio Alighiero Boetti and is accompanied by a photo certificate of authenticity, Rome, 30 May 2007

Photo-certificate, issued by La Bertesca/c.o. Masnata, Genoa, signed by the artist, Rome, October 1983

The artist Francesco Masnata, Genoa (formerly Galleria La Bertesca)
Private Collection, Southem 德国y – acquired directly from the above in the late 1990s

Jean-Christophe Ammann, Alighiero Boetti, Catalogo generale, Vol 3, Milan 2015, Vol. 3, no. 1391 (with color illustration)

The work NATURALE ARTIFICIALE comes from Alighiero Boetti\'s biro drawings series. The artist created unique artistic narratives through play, poetry, measure, numbers, order and disorder, which he combined with material diversity, conceptual complexity, and extraordinary visual beauty. Boetti began his biro series in the 1970s, when he created entire sheets collaboratively using different coloured biro ink. Each work in the series contains panels of images created by different students, similar to Boetti\'s well-known tapestries. With a consistently playful approach to \"simple\" ideas, Boetti posed fundamental questions about contemporary art production. The liminal space between artist and author is a major concern in Boetti\'s catalogue of works.

The biro work offered here is a diptych of two sheets hand-coloured with red biros. Looking at the diptych as a whole, the irregular structure, gradations and patterns become apparent. Latin letters are arranged in alphabetical order on the left edge of the picture. Distributed over the two halves of the picture are small white commas in a seemingly arbitrary arrangement. A closer look at the signs reveals that they each correspond to one of the letters of the alphabet. When read in sequence from left to right, they themselves spell out the work’s title NATURALE ARTIFICIALE. Boetti\'s biro works are generally abstract images that name themselves.

\"My works arise from changing forms of collaboration. I am interested in primary things like the alphabet, maps, newspapers - not least because of the sudden surge of order and disorder. Everything has its own precise order, even if that order is realised in a disorderly way.\"
Alighiero Boetti


10. 阿里吉耶罗·波提 高清作品[76%]

DO-Alighiero <em>Boetti</em>  - 现代艺术 I
图片文件像素:5039 x 4187 px


Alighiero Boetti * - Zeitgenössische Kunst I-

(Turin 1940–1994 Rome)
Cinque per cinque venticinque (Five by five twentyfive), 1983, signed on the reverse, embroidery on canvas mounted on board,, 21 x 23 cm, framed

This work is registered in the Archivio Alighiero Boetti , Rome and is accompanied by a photo certificate of authenticity

Casamonti Collection, Florence (stamp on the reverse)
European Private Collection


12. 阿里吉耶罗·波提 高清作品[70%]

DO-Alighiero <em>Boetti</em>  - 现代艺术 I
图片文件像素:4914 x 5813 px


Alighiero Boetti * - Zeitgenössische Kunst I-

(Turin 1940–1994 Rome)
Perché la testa è amica del piede ed entrambe di lune e maree (Because the head is friend of the foot and both of moons and tides), 1988, signed and dated on the reverse, embroidery on canvas mounted on board, 29.5 x 29.5 cm, in plexiglass case

This work is accompanied by a photo certificate signed by the artist

This work is registered in the Archivio Alighiero Boetti, Rome and is accompanied by a photo certificate of authenticity

Galleria Ariete Arte Contemporanea, Lecco (label on the reverse)
European Private Collection (acquired from the above in 1989)

I designed some 150 words that could be arranged in a square.
Today when I come across expressions like “la forza del centro” (the force of the center), a yoga concept, I know intuitively that the number of its letters allows it to form a square.
I produced up to a hundred examples of each of these pieces. Each one is different in coloring and the special style of the woman who made it. So it is neither an original work nor a multiple.
(“Afghanistan”, Alighiero Boetti interviewed by Nicolas Bourriaud, in Documents, no. 1, October 1992)


13. 阿里吉耶罗·波提 高清作品[68%]

DO-Alighiero <em>Boetti</em>  - 现代艺术 II
图片文件像素:4958 x 4709 px


Alighiero Boetti * - Zeitgenössische Kunst II-

(Turin 1940–1994 Rome)
T-Shirt, Ordine e Disordine, 1984, signed, spray paint on cotton, 69.5 x 66.8 cm, framed; in addition the preparatory drawing “Progettino per T-Shirt di Ordine e Disordine”, felt pen on paper, 29 x 21 cm, framed


14. 卡拉·阿卡尔迪,当代艺术I 高清作品[33%]

DO-Carla Accardi  - 现代艺术 I
图片文件像素:5224 x 4132 px


Carla Accardi * - Zeitgenössische Kunst I-

(Trapani 1924–2014 Rome)
Bluviola, 1972, signed; signed and dated on the reverse, casein on canvas, 60 x 68 cm, framed

This work is registered in the Archivio Accardi Sanfilippo, Rome and is accompanied by a photo certificate signed by the artist, Studio Accardi, Rome

Sale, Finarte, 28 March 1995, lot 105
Galleria Russo, Rome (stamp on the reverse)
European Private Collection

G. Celant, Carla Accardi, Charta, Milan 1999, p. 339, no. 1972 22 with ill.

More than colors I have always loved the way they match, as well as the light they give off. Even my white-black phase was a period of light, this contrast, just like in my mother’s saltworks in Trapani, a truly blinding sort of light.

When I used red with green, and sometimes even pink with light blue, the two colors had to have the same strength and couldn’t be complementary.
This way they struggle against one other and create light.
Carla Accardi in A.M Boetti, Lo specchio ardente, in Data, Milan no. 18, 1975


15. 贫穷艺术艺术家大全 – 贫穷艺术画派都有哪些画家? 高清作品[15%]

意大利,1960 年代至 1970 年代
意大利语意为“贫穷的艺术”或“贫穷的艺术”,Arte Povera 一词由 Germano Celant 引入,作为一小群正在尝试非传统和充满政治色彩的艺术的艺术家的标签。 这些艺术家创造并探索了短暂艺术、行为艺术、装置艺术和组合等表现形式。这些技术已经成为当代艺术中极为普遍的工具;事实上,这就是如此小而短暂的运动今天仍然具有如此重要意义的原因之一。 对这个团体影响最明显的人之一是马塞尔杜尚,他可以被认为是概念艺术的创始人。他的“现成”雕塑,尤其是臭名昭著的“喷泉”小便池,
使用ctrl-F (PC) 或command-F (Mac) 搜索姓名  

卢西奥丰塔纳 1899-1968 阿根廷/意大利雕塑家/画家
马里奥·默兹 1925-2003 意大利语
玛丽莎梅尔兹 1931年出生 意大利雕刻家
皮耶罗·曼佐尼 1933-1963 意大利观念艺术家
米开朗基罗皮斯托莱托 1933年出生 意大利画家/雕塑家
约翰·安瑟姆 1934年出生 意大利雕刻家
皮诺帕斯卡利 1935-1968 意大利画家
卢西亚诺·法布罗 1936-2007 意大利雕刻家
詹尼斯·库内利斯 1936年出生 希腊语
阿利吉耶罗和博埃蒂 1940-1994 意大利语
朱利奥保利尼 生于 1940 年 意大利画家/雕塑家
彼得吉拉迪 1942年出生 意大利雕刻家
皮埃尔·保罗·卡尔佐拉里 1943年出生 意大利装置艺术家
吉尔伯托佐里奥 1944年出生 意大利雕刻家
约瑟夫·佩诺内 1947年出生 意大利雕塑家/概念艺术家
Albero, 1980.

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